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Giro di Gusto

About Giro di Gusto

Giro di Gusto is the idea to bring the tasting experience to the world of ice cream by means of new and different design containers that allow you to savour the flavours separately, combining them in a real journey of taste, in a true “Giro di Gusto”.
A new way of eating that gives customers the chance to experience the pure taste, while the ice cream makers give their customers the opportunity to better appreciate the quality of their products and their creations.
Many models, all of them different, all of them true design; made of waffle, of paper, of plastic and of polystyrene. Each one designed for different markets and purposes – from to-go to the table, from takeaway to catering -  so that everyone can choose the most appropriate solution as to their own style and their customers.

Giro di Gusto

The project. Giro di Gusto is a project deriving from the research and the study on the evolution of consumption; it is nourished by the creativity of young Italian designers and is realized thanks to the experience of container manufacturers and ice cream makers who have been working for decades in the world of ice cream and pastry.


Giro di Gusto continuously researches and develops new models. This project is open for container manufacturers who have free access to a range of proposals on new media, collaborating with a team of experts for innovation and market strategies, designers and makers in order to decline the existing models on the market strategies of the company or to develop ad hoc solutions.